Can you believe it has been six weeks already? We are immersed and saturated in the Honduran culture of Copan Ruinas. God has been good to us. He teaches us daily lessons in love, patience, and kindness, generosity, humility and gratefulness, simplicity, patience and trust, obedience, hope and faith. Did I mention patience? That's what it takes to teach these old dogs new tricks. Each day is a blessing from God as we study, experience, learn and share with our hosts. | Every day is a new day, a new beginning, a blessing from our God! We are thankful for the opportunity to serve here. We are reminded daily that we so often take his mercies for granted. |
Semana Santa
(Holy Week) During Holy week, many Hondurans take time to visit with family, enjoy meals together and take a break from the work they do. Some places, like the schools, are closed for the entire week. The banks and other businesses close for the entire day on Thursday and Friday. First you pick a picnic spot along the river. Next you machete a clearing in the shade, carry rocks to make a stove. Then you jump in! It was a beautiful time learning new language, customs of others and about the family God has placed in our life. | Our family spent the day at the river complete with a campfire lunch, dip in the river and relaxing fun for all. |
Good Friday
The Catholic church in Copan annually prepares the only religious observance of this special time of the Christian Church. Many hands prepare the decorative designs on the street leading up to the Catholic Church on the square. First, a layer of sawdust is tamped down on the cobblestone street. Then coloured sawdust is added on top to form the background and designs. Stencils and additional black sawdust are used to outline the figures and pictures on the colored layer. Then the design is filled in with additional colors to complete the pictures and symbols of the last week of Christ's life among us. | A procession for the stations of the cross occurs on Good Friday in the morning. The procession in the evening tells the story of Christ crucified and processes down the colored carpet to the Catholic Church. The final procession depicts the ultimate event, the resurrection of our Lord. |