Half Way There

Everyone Is A Vend
erSurrounding Copan Ruinas
We Have Moved, But Not Very Far

More and More
Prayer Praises and Requests
- We thank God for the new and continuing support we are receiving from partners in the United States
- We thank God for our fellow disciples who continue to share the story of the children at Orphanage Emmanuel to raise support for his ministry.
- We thank God for continued good health, strength and endurance
- We thank God for the support, encouragement, and time with our first family in Copan Ruinas
- We thank God for the new family who welcomed us into their home
- We thank God for his continued mercies and grace for us as we learn this new language.
Requests: Please keep us in your prayers
- for rain to help the farmers grow their crops so their families can have food and fresh water
- for rain so that electricity can be provided
- for the children of Honduras that they may experience and know God's love
- for our discernment of the Holy Spirit's leading to be examples of God’s love in all we do and say
- for continued physical health and for increased physical strength to enable us to continue working
- that God will bless our efforts to learn this language and discern how to use it for his glory
- for the power of the Holy Spirit to be evident in our lives so that our actions speak only of God's love
- for the continued faithfulness of our financial and spiritual partners and raising up of additional support